My name is Asma Haq. I am a Chemical Engineer with over 10 years of experience working in the oil and gas industry in the Middle East. Saud Siddiqui, my colleague and husband, is a qualified chartered accountant with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. Saud is also a qualified internal and IT auditor accredited by international professional bodies and has offices operating under him worldwide.
Saud and myself have been running community cohesion activities, charity drives, interfaith harmony, women empowerment and social welfare projects for over 10 years in Barking and Dagenham. With the growth in the demand for our support over the last few years, we decided to formally create a CIC - MG Relief Project CIC (or MGRP for short) from where we continue to serve the community. We are grateful to the local council and councillors for offering their support to us as it has allowed us access to the local community hall and storage space along with the community centre’s kitchen. MGRP is now run and managed by a core team of dedicated women volunteers who are also passionate about empowering and engaging women whilst giving them a platform to boost entrepreneurship and leadership skills. MGRP has brought the community together through its myriad of social-welfare activities and community engagement projects which have successfully fostered positive working relationships within the community based on empathy, compassion, engagement, social enterprise and equality.
In additional to our volunteers and numerous donors, we are also grateful to the following organisations who offer us support and guidance to help us achieve our goals.
Follow us on social media to keep yourselves up to date on our projects and activities.
The volunteers at MGRP contribute their valuable time to keep our projects going. If you wish to join our team (or if you have any queries), please contact us using the form below.
You can also contribute to MGRP's success by making regular
and help us keeping our projects alive. If you would like to donate, please use the following bank details:
Account Name: MG Relief Project CIC
Bank: Natwest
Sort Code: 56 00 47
Account Number: 3859 7918
IBAN: GB75 NWBK 5600 4738 5979 18