Women Support Hubs have been a life-line to various women experiencing culturally ingrained or systematic abuse. 89% of these women who accessed the support hubs were able to gather the confidence to access social justice whilst transcending the socio-economic barriers erected by their culture, race or society to access the available services and resources. 65 % of the women- including girls and teenagers- were able to identify red flags amongst mates or peers and alert relevant authorities so that others around them could be helped and supported. Women’s Support hubs have also significantly reduced the incidences of women returning back to their abusive partners or relationships. Many women indicated that by attending these support hubs they have become significantly aware of their rights as an individual- including legal and immigration rights; giving them the platform to stand up for themselves. Sharing success stories of survivors has given victims the confidence to reach out and seek out. As a community intervention project, these support hubs have fostered a holistic approach of providing inclusive and empowering support to women who are at risk including refugees and asylum seekers. These support hubs have given women of various socio-economic and cultural backgrounds a deeper understanding, respect, appreciation and tolerance of each others’ social struggles and a collective drive to provide unnerving support.
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